Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

To imagine that a group of two or three people can gather in such a way that it invites the presence of God among them is mind blowing. The implications are massive and world changing.  We can carry his presence anywhere and everywhere. Think about it; we can introduce God into every situation in any place and anytime. When God is present there are no limitations, all things are possible. The sick can be healed, the dead are raised to life, the lepers are cleanse and people are delivered from demonic influences. This power is freely given to us so we can freely give it out.

What is it about these groups that make them so important?

It’s about being the church and not going to church

First, we must have a revelation of the church  and really believe that we are the church. The apostle Paul said, in 1 Peter 2:5 that we are living stones being built up to host His presence. We must believe that where 2 or 3 gather in His name; the church is present, not some aberration of the “real” church. That somehow if we don’t have a building, professional clergy and programs to help us be disciples,then we are not the church. This is not the ways of Jesus who we love and follow. He came and invested in people; especially his twelve and more so in His three; Peter, James and John.

It’s about Intimacy

These groups create an environment of intimacy that can only exist in small groups. It takes intimacy to reproduce things. This principle is true in the natural as well as the spiritual. Spiritual fruitfulness only comes from connection with Jesus. He said that our relationship with Him needs to be like a vine and branches; a picture of deep intimacy. Large group gathering are good for certain purposes but does not create intimacy. It is only in sharing our lives openly and transparently with each other that we experience radical transformation. There is a healing yet to be discovered and multiplied in the environment of true intimacy.

It’s about Mobility

This kind of group allows us to be flexible and mobile and has penetration power. These groups can exist in any place and function at high levels with little or no need for systems or structure. The church was never meant to be a geographical place but has always been about relationships. Jesus said that His church would be at the gates of hell rescuing people from darkness. His church could not be contained but would function with high mobility, love  and incredible fruitfulness

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